Page 113 - A Hero of Liége
P. 113

"Mother says Daddy may be killed," piped another boy.

                "Nonsense!" said the old man.  "Was I killed? Not even wounded. Why
                should your father be?"

                "How long will he be away?" asked another.

                "Not long. How long was I away in '70, Granny?"

                "Six months," said the old woman. "Du lieber Himmel! but it seemed like
                six years. Wilhelm was in long clothes when you went, and when you came
               back he was running about. Ah! may God bring him back safe and sound!"

                "Listen! What is that?" cried the children's mother.

               A humming sound, like the buzzing of a monster bee, floated in through the
               open window. The children ran to the door.

                "An aeroplane! An aeroplane!" they shouted. "See! it is coming down in the


               The household flocked to the door and window.

                "A Taube!" said the old man. "Run and see what the airmen want, Karl."

               A boy of twelve ran across the farmyard into the meadow. The monoplane
               had alighted, and a tall man in the uniform of a German captain was

               hastening towards the house.

                "Have you any petrol, boy?" asked the airman.

               The country boy looked up with awe, and said nothing. The sight of a

               German officer afflicted him with shyness. He ran back to his grandfather.

                "The Herr Captain needs petrol," he said.
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