Page 156 - A Hero of Liége
P. 156

"We arrived this morning," said Kenneth in an easy tone to the chauffeur,
                "and ate the Herr Major's lunch--by mistake."

               The men guffawed; the German soldier does not love his officers. This was

               a good joke.

                "That's a nice little toy you have there," Kenneth went on, pointing to the

               machine gun. He stepped quickly into the car to look at it.

                "It is forbidden," said the chauffeur, with an uneasy glance at the window.
                "Only the crew are allowed in the car."

                "Yes, yes, one understands. Just a minute!"

               Before the men could make up their minds to turn him out he had swung
               round the machine gun to cover them.

                "Hands up!" he cried.

               They laughed, thinking it a practical joke, until they saw Pariset covering
               them with his revolver.

                "Hands up!" he repeated, imitating Kenneth's accent as well as he could.

               But they recognised now that he was a foreigner, and seeing at this moment
               Granger dragging the helpless form of the important Herr Brinckmann
               down the steps they surrendered.

                "Get down, and don't stir a step for your lives," Kenneth commanded.

                "Drop your arms."

               Pariset kept guard over them while Granger bundled Hellwig into the car

               and Kenneth started the engine.

                "I didn't like to leave Brinckmann behind," explained Granger smoothly as
               he squeezed himself into the seat beside Hellwig. "We are just in time."
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