Page 167 - A Hero of Liége
P. 167

between two clumps of woodland Pariset called over his shoulder that he
               had just caught sight of Fort de Boncelles, two or three miles to the west,

               and Fort d'Embourg a little nearer to the east.

                "Which shall we make for?" gasped Kenneth.

                "Boncelles," replied Granger. "It is nearer the French lines. We can cross

               by the iron bridge just below Tilff."

               On they went. Second after second passed; a minute, two minutes. They
                swept round to the left towards the bridge. There was still no shot from the

                "They were trained on Boncelles," said Granger. "We are too near them


               He had scarcely spoken when there was a moaning in the air, followed

               instantly by a roar and crash, and a thick cloud of black smoke sprang up
                some four hundred yards to the right. They all crouched low in the car,

               which dashed across the throbbing bridge at forty miles an hour. Another
                shell plunged into the river, a third struck the road a few yards behind them,
               as they entered the railway arch, bespattering them with earth. No sooner

               had they emerged on the other side than still another shell burst ahead of
               them, in the field beside the road. They all caught their breath: if it had

               fallen a few yards to the right, it would have dug a hole large enough to
               engulf the car.

                Shells now began to explode, as it seemed, all around them. The sky was
               darkened by the smoke, poisonous fumes almost choked them. Only the

               great speed of the car and the slight changes in its direction due to the
               windings of the road preserved them from annihilation. The thought that
               flashed through Pariset's mind was that if the Germans had used shrapnel

               instead of shell they must almost certainly have been destroyed, for he
               could not doubt that the whole battery was now playing upon them.
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