Page 104 - Adventures in Africa
P. 104

was,  Two or three others  made  their appearance soon
                       afterwards  in  the  neighbourhood.  My  unde  and  I
                       agreed  that  the  sooner  we  were  away  from  the  spot

                       the  better,  as  any  of  the  savage  brutes  coming under
                       the  raft  might  upset  it,  and  we  should  be  committed

                       to  their tender  mercies.
                          W e  were  very  glad,  therefore,  when  the  blacks,
                       having finished  their  meal,  returned  on board,  and  we

                       once  more  began  to  float  down  the  stream.
                          W e were  in  hopes  that  at  the  rate we were proceed­

                       ing we  should  meet  our friends  before  the  close  of the
                        day,  but darkness  approached, and the blacks  gave  us
                       to  understand  that  we  must  go  on  shore  and  spend

                       the  night  at a  village  of  their tribe,  where we  should
                       be  hospitably entertained.               To  this we  could  offer  no

                        objection,  though  it  involved the  necessity  of  landing
                       our  goods,  as  we  had  no  fancy  to  spend  the  time
                        on  the  raft,  with  the  prospect  of  finding  it  melting

                        away  below  our  feet,  and  we  ourselves  left  to  be
                       devoured  by  the  crocodiles,  or  perhaps,  to  have  it

                       capsized  by  the  heave  of  an  hippopotamus  beneath
                           A s  we  glided  on,  we  saw  a  collection  of  bee-hive

                       looking huts  on  the  top  of  the  south  bank.  The  raffc
                       was  directed  towards  them.               The  natives7  leaping  on

                       rshorc,  secured  it  as  before  by a  rope to  a tree growing
                       <rOn,  the  beach.  They  then  assisted  in  carrying  our
                        property  to  the  shore.  Having piled  it  up  in  a  heap

                        and  covered  it  over  with  a  roof  of  leaves,  they
                        assured  us  that  it would be  as  safe  as  if  guarded  by  a
                        hundred  men.  A s  they had hitherto shown themselves

                        to  be  scrupulously honest,  we  had  no  reason  to  doubt
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