Page 120 - Adventures in Africa
P. 120
“ I place you in safer place dan dis," he answered;
and, again taking me up, he propped me against
the root of a large tree close by; then reloading
my rifle, he put it into my hands. He next reloaded
his own.
“ I must go and help Harry/' he said; and away
he bounded.
I had wished him to go and assist my friend, but
scarcely had he disappeared than the dreadful idea
came into my head that another Hon— companion of
the one just killed— might be prowling about and
discover me, In spite of the pain I suffered, I en
deavoured to rise on my knees, so that should one
appear I might take a better aim than 1 could lying
down. Still, should my apprehensions be realised, 1
felt that I should be placed in a very dangerous pre
dicament. One thing, however, was certain, that it
could not be worse than the one from which I had
just escaped. Few people have been situated as I
have been, with a lion about to spring from one side,
and an elephant appearing on the other.
Doing my best to keep up my spirits, I listened
attentively to try and ascertain what was happening
to Harry. Presently there was more loud trumpet
ing and directly afterwards two shots were fired in
rapid succession. This assured me that Harry had
escaped and that Toko had reached the scene of
action. The Makololo was too clever and experienced
an elephant hunter to be taken at disadvantage, and
I had great hopes that he had succeeded in killing
the animal.
I did not forget my fears about another lion, and