Page 150 - Adventures in Africa
P. 150
supposed possible. It was some time before, by the
light of the fire, we saw the rough, uncouth figure of
Hans, followed by Jan.
“ Ilave you brought water?” was the first question
Harry asked.
“ Y ah! we liave brought water, and have seen
plenty of elephants— fine country for shooting* and we
will go there to-morrow.'’
“ Never mind the elephants and shooting now ; hand
me the water/1 cried Harry, eagerly.
Hans gave llarry his skin bottle, and Jan hurried up
with his to me. I swallowed the liquid eagerly, hot
and nauseous as it was, full, I suspect, of living crea
tures ; but it tasted like nectar, and I half emptied the
bottle at a draught.
" Now I am ready for the venison !” cried Harry.
“ So am T, indeed/' said H an s; “ for we haven't had
anything to eat since we left you, and are well-nigh
dying of starvation,”
“ As we were of thirst,IJ I remarked, handing Hans
and Jan a large piece of venison each. They devoured
it eagerly, and Harry and I then turned to and were
able to eat a good meal,
“ I should like to get some sleep/’ said Hans; “ we
will tell you to-morrow of our adventures.'*
“ W e are in no hurry to hear them,” said Harry;
“ but I tell you, one of us must keep a watch, or we
may have an unpleasant visit from a lion, who is
prowling about in the neighbourhood.”
“ The cowardly brute won't come near us,” said
Hans, drowsily. “ The chances are it was a rock
you saw in the dusk, or it might have been a jackal,”