Page 156 - Adventures in Africa
P. 156

“ Do  not  let  yourself  drop  off  for  a  moment,  old

                            fellow,”  I  said ;  “  as long*  as any prowling  animal  sees
                            you  moving about  around  the  fire  he'll  not  venture  to
                            make an attack;  but should you slumber for a  moment,

                            it  is  impossible  to  say  what  he  may  do.”
                               “ I  do  feel awfully drowsy,  I  own,”  answered  Harry,

                            rubbing his  eyes  and yawning ;  “ still  111  do  my  best.
                            It  is  a  shame  that  fellow  Hans  won't  stand  watch  as
                            he  ought  to  do,  I  only  hope  that  another  lion  will
                            come  roaring*  close  'up  to  the  camp,  for  the  sake  of

                            making  him  gBt on  his  legs.             Tie  knows  that  neither
                            you  nor  I  would  sleep  on  our  posts,  so  he  rests  in

                            perfect security,  throwing  all  the trouble  on  us.”
                               Harry  and  I  talked  on  for  a  little  time,  I  hoping*
                            that he  would  thus  be  thoroughly  aroused ;  then  I  lay

                            down  011  the  spot he  had  occupied,  pretty  close  to  the
                            fire,  with  my  rifle  by  my  side  ready  for  instant  use.

                               It  appeared  to  me  that  I  had  not  been  asleep  five
                           minutes  when  I  heard  Harry  exclaim—
                               “ P'red,  rouse  Jan.  Up  with  you,  and  get  ready  for

                               I  seized  my  riiic  and  sprang  to  my  feet,  as  wide
                           awake  as  ever  I  was  in  my  life,  and  there  I  saw,  not

                           six paces  off,  a  creature  with  glaring  eyes;  not a  lion,
                           however,  but  looking  unusually  large  as  it  emerged
                           from  the  darkness  into  the  light of the  fire.

                               It  crouched  as  if  for  a  spring ;  at  the  same moment
                            I  heard  Hans  shriek  out.  For  an  instant  I  glanced

                            round,  and  caught  an  indistinct  sight  of  another  big
                           cat-like creature stealing towards  the  rear of the camp.
                               “ You  and  Jan  must  look  out  after that  brute,  and
                           we'll  attend  to  this  one,”  I  shouted.
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