Page 168 - Adventures in Africa
P. 168

me  that  he  had  not  informed  them  that  we  were  near,
                             as  he wished  to  give  us  the  pleasure  of  announcing

                                In  a fewminutes we were  in the midst of our friends,
                             and  our  appearance  afforded  my  uncle  great  relief

                            Ih ey   had  come  across  our camp, and  found  the bodies
                             of the lions, and  had some misapprehensions  that after
                             all  we  might  have  been  carried  off  by  others.

                                He  was,  of  course,  much  shocked  at  the  fate  of
                            Hans,  though,  he  observed,  that  it  was  better  he
                            should have  died  thus,  than  have  committed  murder

                            or  some  other mischief,  as  from  his  uncertain  temper
                            it  was  very  likely  he would  have  done.
                               The  Makololoes,  on  hearing  that  we  had  killed  two

                            elephants,  were  eager to  go  at  once  and  obtain  some
                            of  the  flesh ;  but  my  uncle  persuaded  them  to  remain

                            until  the  next  morning,  promising  that  they  should
                            then  have  an  abundance  of  meat.
                               Although expeditions on  foot have their advantages*

                            Harry  and  I  came  to  the  conclusion,  when  we  again
                            found  ourselves  mounted,  that  we  should  prefer  in

                            future  going  out  on  horseback.  IVIy uncle told  us  that
                            he  expected  the waggons  would  camp  where  we  then
                            were,  so  that  we  might  load  them  with  the  tusks  and
                            skins  we  might  obtain*

                               Directly breakfast  was  over we  rode  to  the  scene  of
                            our encounter with  the two elephants, neither of which

                            had  been  disturbed.  The  tusks  were  soon  removed,
                            and  the Makololoes  cut  away enough  flesh  for a whole
                            army.  A   grave  was  then  dug,  and  the  body  of  poor

                            Hans  buried.  This  done,  we followed  the  spoor of the
                            elephants,  intending  to  kill  them  while  feeding in  the
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