Page 190 - Adventures in Africa
P. 190

The  storm  swept  by,  and  the  poor  people  were

                      satisfied  that  their  shooting had  driven  it  away.
                         Xext  morning,  mspanning  at  an  early  hour,  we

                     proceeded  in  the  direction  we concluded the elephants
                      had  taken.
                         While  camping  at  noon}  some  of  the  natives  who

                     had  gone  on  ahead  as  scouts,  brought  us  the  satis­
                     factory  intelligence  that  the  herd  were  feeding  in  a
                     wood  about  eight  miles  off;  and  that  as  a  stream  ran

                     by,  they  were  certain  to  go  down  to  drink  in  the
                     evening;  when,  if  we  took  proper  measures,  we
                     should  be  able  to  kill  as  many  more  as  we wanted.

                     W e  lost  no  time,  therefore,  in  proceeding  onward,
                     and  as  the  ground  was  pretty  level  we  made  good

                        W e camped  at  a  part  of the  stream  where  we  could
                     draw  water;  and  where,  from  the  rocky  character  of
                     the  bank,  the  elephants  were  not likely  to  come  down

                     and  drink.  On  one  side  it  was  a  swamp,  between
                     which  and  our  camp  we  could  leave  our  horses  at

                     liberty  to  feed,  one  or  two  men  only being  required to
                     watch  them.  As  soon  as  these  arrangements  were
                     made,  we  set  off  to  search  for  the  spoor  of  the  ele­
                    phants,  so  that  we  might  place  ourselves  in  ambush

                    on  one  side,  as  we  had  before  done,  to  shoot  them  as
                    they  approached  or  returned  from  the  water.

                       As  we  made  our  onward  way,  we  caught  sight  of
                    numerous  elephants  feeding  at  their  ease  in  various
                    directions.  If  they  were  part  of  the  herd  which  we

                    had  lately  attacked,  they  had  soon  recovered  from
                    their  alarm.  W e  took  up  our  posts  in  satisfactory
                    positions,  hoping  that,  before  the night  was  over,  we
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