Page 24 - Adventures in Africa
P. 24

however,  have  preferred  that  to  undergoing  the
                     fatigues of hunting; besides which we might the sooner

                     have  returned  with  our  cargo  of ivory  to  the  coast/*
                        Several  more days  passed  by  during which we came

                     to  three  spots  where  we  were  able  to  obtain  a
                     sufficient  amount  of water to  satisfy  ourselves  and our
                     thirsty  animals.  Sometimes  for  miles  together  not  a

                     drop  could  be  procured,  and  had  it  not  been  for the
                     tubers,  and  the  little  red  melons  I  have  described,
                     the  horses  and  our  patient  ox  must  have  perished.

                     A t  length  the  sheen  of  water  in  the  bright  sunlight
                     was  seen  in  the  distance.  This  time  we  were  con­
                     vinced  that  it  was  not  a  mirage.  W e  pushed  forward,

                     hoping1  that  our  sufferings  from  thirst  were  at  an  end.
                     Trees  of greater  height  than  any  we  had  yet  met with

                     since  leaving the  colony  fringed  the  banks  of  a  fine
                     river.  On  examining  the  current we  found  that  it was
                     flowing  to  the  north-east,  and  we  therefore  hoped

                     that by following  it  up we  should  reach  the  lake  for
                     which  we  were  bound.              Our  black  guide,  however,

                     advised  that  we  should  cross  the  river,  which  wa-
                     here  fordable,  and  by  steering  north,  considerably
                     shorten  the  journey.            On  wading  through  the water

                     we  looked  out  sharply  for crocodiles and hippopotami
                     lest  one  of those  fresh-water  monsters  should  venture
                     to  attack  us ;  we  got  over,  however,  without  accident

                     H a v in g  allowed  our  animals  to  drink  their  full  ot
                     water,  and  replenished  our  bottles,  we  encamped  for
                     the  night  under  a  magnificent  baobab  tree  with  a

                     trunk  seventy feet  in  girth  as  high  as wc  could  reach,
                     while  our  animals  found  an  abundance  of rich  grass

                     on which  to  satisfy their  hunger.
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