Page 31 - Adventures in Africa
P. 31
was tantalising to see them feeding- so quietly just out
of my reach, Still, though I might not get a shot, I
hoped that they might go off towards where m y uncle
was lying hid. Presently, however, they hounded
towards me ; and, thinking it possible that they might
again turn, I fired at one of the leading animals,
which, notwithstanding its wound, still went on,
though at slackened speed. Instead of reloading, as
I ought to have done, I dashed forward to secure it-
Scarcely, however, had I left my cover than what was
my surprise, and I must confess my dismay, to see a
huge lion ! Should I attempt to escape by flight, the
savage brute would, I knew, follow me, I h^ed my
eyes as steadily as I could upon him, while I
attempted to reload. A t the same time I knew that,
even should I fire, I might only wound him, when he
would become more fierce. There were trees near, up
which it was possible I might climb should he give
me time, but it was not likely that he would do that.
I wondered that he did not pursue the antelope ; but
probably he had lately had his dinner, or he certainly
would have done so, I continued loading, he lashing
his tail and roaring furiously. I expected every
moment that he would spring upon me* To escape
by any other way than by shooting him dead seemed
I finished loading, and brought my gun up ready to
fire. Should I miss or only wound him, he would be
upon me in a moment. I had hitherto remained quite
silent, but it occurred to me that if I should shout
loudly enough my uncle would hear my cry for help.
I thought, too, that I might scare the lion, W hen