Page 266 - A Jacobite Exile
P. 266

Chapter 15

                : An Old Acquaintance.

               The next morning Charlie was placed in a tent, in which lay several officers
               who had been wounded, either the night before or by shots from the town.

               He learned with great pleasure, upon questioning the doctor, that the
                Swedes had got off safely in the darkness. Some eight or ten men only had

                straggled and been made prisoners, and not more than twenty had been left
               dead on the field. He had the satisfaction, therefore, of knowing that the
               defence made by his own pikemen had been the means of saving the whole

               force. In other respects he had nothing to complain of, for he was well
               attended to, and received the same treatment as the Russians.

               For another ten days the roar of the cannon continued, some seventy guns
               keeping up an incessant fire on the town. At the end of that time the

               governor capitulated, and was allowed to march out with the honours of

               Only forty out of the brave garrison remained unwounded at the end of the
                siege. They, as well as such of their comrades as were strong enough to

               travel, passed through the lines of the Russians, and marched to Vyburg.

               Three weeks after being made a prisoner, Charlie's wound was so far healed
               that the surgeon pronounced him able to sit a horse, and, under the escort of
               an officer and four Cossacks, he was taken by easy stages to Bercov, a

               prison fortress a short distance from Moscow. He had inquired from the
                surgeon who attended him for Doctor Kelly. The doctor knew him, but said

               that he was not with the army, but was, he believed, away visiting some
               towns on the Volga, where a serious pestilence was raging.

               Charlie remained but a short time at Bercov. His wound was healing
               rapidly, and the surgeon who attended him assured him that there was every

               prospect of his making a complete cure, if he would but keep his arm, for
                some weeks, in a sling.
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