Page 296 - A Jacobite Exile
P. 296

"We shall keep on searching," Charlie said. "He may have gone out of town
               for some reason, and may return any day. We shall not give it up till


                "Well, at any rate, sirs, I will take your money no longer. You know your
               way thoroughly about now, and, if at any time you should want me, you
               know where to find me. It might be worth your while to pay a visit to

               Islington, or even to go as far as Barnet. The fellow may have done
                something, and may think it safer to keep in hiding, and in that case

               Islington and Barnet are as likely to suit him as anywhere."

               The young men had, some time before, left the inn and taken a lodging.

               This they found much cheaper, and, as they were away from breakfast until
               midnight, it mattered little where they slept. They took the advice of their

               guide, stayed a couple of nights at Islington, and then went to Barnet. In
               these places there was no occasion to visit the taverns, as, being
               comparatively small, they would, either in the daytime or after dark, have

               an opportunity of meeting most of those living there.

               Finding the search ineffectual, Charlie proposed that they should go for a
               long walk along the north road.

                "I am tired of staring every man I meet in the face, Harry. And I should
               like, for once, to be able to throw it all off and take a good walk together, as

               we used to do in the old days. We will go eight or ten miles out, stop at
                some wayside inn for refreshments, and then come back here for the night,
               and start back again for town tomorrow."

               Harry at once agreed, and, taking their hats, they started.

               They did not hurry themselves, and, carefully avoiding all mention of the
                subject that had occupied their thoughts for weeks, they chatted over their

               last campaign, their friends in the Swedish camp, and the course that affairs
               were likely to take. After four hours' walking they came to a small wayside

               inn, standing back twenty or thirty yards from the road.
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