Page 340 - A Jacobite Exile
P. 340

"We were talking of you but now, Charlie," Mrs. Dormay said. "Ciceley
               and I agreed that we would remove at once to our old place, and that this

                should be kept up for you, should you at any time be able to return. Now
               that Queen Anne is on the throne, and the Tories are in power, we hoped

               that you, at least, would ere long be permitted to return. How is your dear

                "He is well, cousin, and will, I trust, be here ere long. Our innocence of the
               charge has been proved, the proceedings against us quashed, and the Act of

               Confiscation against my father, Mr. Jervoise, and the others reversed."

                "Thank God for that," Mrs. Dormay said earnestly, and Ciceley gave an

               exclamation of pleasure. "That accounts, then, for what has happened here.

                "I do not want to talk about it, Charlie. You may imagine how Ciceley and I
               have suffered. But he was my husband, spare him for my sake."

                "I will never allude to the subject again, cousin," Charlie said. "But I must
               tell you that Harry and I have posted down from London, in hopes of being

               in time to warn him, and enable him to escape. I need not say we did so
               because he was your husband, and Ciceley's father."

               Harry then turned the subject, by a remark as to the effects of the storm.
               Then Ciceley asked questions as to their life abroad, and there was so much

               to tell, and to listen to, that even Mrs. Dormay's face brightened. Harry
               willingly allowed himself to be persuaded to remain for the night, and to
               ride over to his place in the morning.

               The funeral took place two days later. Charlie went as sole mourner.

                "He was my kinsman," he said to Harry, "and, though I can pretend no
                sorrow at his death, my attendance at the funeral will do something towards

                stopping talk, and will make it easier for my cousin."

               The next day, Mrs. Dormay and Ciceley returned to Rockley, whose tenant
               had fortunately left a few weeks before. Charlie and Harry both went over
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