Page 134 - Child's own book
P. 134

me  tile honour  to be present  at  the  whole  ceremony.  J  made
                          my acknowledgments  by  prostrating  myself  at  hia  majesty’s
                          feet, but  he  commanded  me to  rise,  and  after  many gracious
                          expressions,  which,  to  avoid  censure  of  vanity,  I  shall  not
                          repeat,  he  added*  that  he  hoiied  I  should  prove  an  useful
                          servant,  and  well  deserve all  the  favours  lie  had  already  con­
                          form!  upon  mct or  might  du  for ihe future.  The  first request
                          made,  after  1  had  obtained  my  liberty,  was*  that  I  might have
                          license  to  see  Mildendo,  the  metropolis,  which  the  emperor
                          readily granted  ine,  but with  a special  charge to do  no  hurt  to
                          the  inhabitants  nr  their houses.  The  people  had  notice,  by
                          proclamation, of my design to visit  the town.  The wall  which
                          encompassed  it  is two feet and  fl  half high*  and  at  least eleven
                          inches  broad, and  it  is flanked  with  strong  towers  at  ten  feet
                          distance.  I stepped over  the great western gate, and  passed very
                          gently  through  the  two  principal  streets,  only  in  my  short
                          waistcoat,  for fear  of damaging the roofs of tbe  houses  with  the
                          skirts  of  my coat.   I  walked  with  the  utmost  circumspection,
                          to avoid  treading  on  any stragglers  who  might  remain  in  the
                          streets;  although  (he  orders  were  very  strict,  that  all people
                          should  keep  in  their  houses  at  their  own  jieril.  The gurret
                          windows  and  the  tops  of  the  houses  were  so  crowded  with
                          spectators,  that  J  thought  I  had  never seen  a  more  populous
                          place.  The  emperor  had a  great  destre that  1  should  see  the
                          magnificence  of  his  palace;  and  having  gnt  into  the  inmost
                          court,  I  applied  my  face  to  the  windows  of the  middle stories,
                          which  were  left  open  on  purpose,  and  discovered  the  most
                          beautiful  apartments  that can  be  imagined.  There  I  saw  the
                          empress and  young  princes,  with  their  chief attendants  about
                          them*     Her  imperial  majesty  was  pleased  to  smite  very
                          graciously  upon  me, and  gave  me out of  the window her  hand
                          to kjsa.
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