Page 14 - Child's own book
P. 14
Inquired if Aladdin had farther command $ for him. “ Yes/’
answered Aladdin, **bring me a horse, and let it he furnished
with the most costly and magnificent trappings ; let there be a
splendid retinue of slaves (o attend mo, and let them be attired
in the most expensive habiliments. For my mother also pro
vide an extensive equipage; let six female slaves attend her,
eaeh hearing a different robe, suitable even to the dignity of a
sultana; let not anything be wanted to eofriplctc the splendour
of her retinue. Ziut, above all, bring ten thousand pieces of
gold, in ten purses,” The genius disappeared, and returned
with a horse, forty slaves, ten purses of gold, and six female
slaves, eacli bearing a most costly robe for Aladdin’s mother.
Aladdin Intrusted six of the purses to the slaves, that they
might distribute the money among flic people as they proceeded
to the sultan's palace* Ifc theft despatched one of the slavca
to the royal mansion, to know when he might have the honour
of prostrating himself at the sultan's feet.
The slave brought him word that the sultan waited for him
with impatience- When he arrived at the gate of the palace,
the grand vizier, the general* of the army, the governors of the
provinces, and all the great officers of the court, attended him
to the council hall ; and having assisted him to dismount, they
led him to the sultan's throne* The sovereign was amazed to
sec that Aladdin was more richly apparelled than he was ; he
arose, however, from his throne and embraced him. He gave
a signal and the air resounded with trumpets, hautboys, and
other musical instruments. He then conducted Aladdin into
a magnificent saloon, where a sumptuous entertainment had
been provided. After this splendid repast, the sultan sent for
the chief law officcr of his empire, and ordered him immediately
to prepare the marriage contract between the princess and
Aladdin, The sultan tben asked Aladdin if the marriage