Page 205 - Child's own book
P. 205

monument  to the memory of  Lady Bountiful, cm her  decease,
                          which  event did  not occur till  some years after  his  return  to
                          England ; so that she had the pleasure of seeing t he child whom
                          she  had raised  from  obscurity, become a rich,  and  respectable
                          man,  surrounded by  a blooming  offspring, of  whose education
                          he took the greatest care, never neglecting the least opportunity
                          that  offured,  of  instilling into  their  minds, that the  patlis  of
                          virtue lead to  the temple of  happiness*

                                          LITTLE  HUNCH-BACK.

                             T hers was  in former  times  at  Cashgar,  upon  the utmost
                          Bkirts of Tartary, a tailor that had apretty wife, whom he doted
                          on, aud  was reciprocally loved  by her.  One  day as he  sat  at
                          work,a little hunch-back came and sat down, at the shop-door, and
                                                             MI to singing, and playing on a
                                                             tabor.  The tailor took  pleasure
                                                             to hear him, and resolved to take
                                                             him to Jits  house  to  please  his
                                                             wife,  “ This little fellow," said
                                                             he to his wife,  “  will divert us
                                                             both this evening,*’  Ileinvrted
                                                             him  in,  and  the  other  readily
                                                             accepted the invitation ;  so the
                                                             tailor  shut  up  his (.shop  and
                                                             carried him home.  As soon as
                                                             they came  in,  the tailors wife,
                          having before laid the cloth, it being supper-time, set before them
                          a good dish offish; but as the little man was eating, he unlnekily
                          swallowed  a  large  bone,  of  which  he  died  in a few  minutes,
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