Page 310 - Child's own book
P. 310

to  ask  for  refreshment.    The  ploughman’a  wife,  with  great
                          civility, immediately brought him some milk in a wooden bowl,
                          and some brown bread on a wooden plotter.           Merlin could not
                          help  observing',  that  although  everything  within  the  cottage
                          was particularly  neat and clcan^aod  in good order, the plough­
                          man  and  his wife  had  the  most  sorrowful air  imaginable:  so
                          he  questioned  them  on  the  cause  of  their  melancholy,  and
                          learned  that  they  were  very  miserable  because  they  had  no
                          children.  The  poor woman declared, with tears  in  her  eyes,
                          that  she  should  be  the  happiest  creaturc in  ihe world, if she
                          had a  son, although he  were no bigger than hia father's thumb.
                          Merlin was much amused with the thoughts of a boy no bigger
                          than  a  man's  thumb;  and  as  soon  as  he  returned  home,  he
                          sent  for the queen of the fairies  {with whom  he was very inti­
                          mate),  and  related  to  her  the  desire  of  the  ploughman  and
                          his wife  to  have a  son  the  stoc  of his  father's  thumb.    The
                          queen  of  the  fairies  liked  the  plan  exceedingly,  and declared
                          their wish should be speedily granted.  Accordingly the plough­
                          mans wife had a son, who in a few minutes grew as tail as  his
                          father's thumb.  The^ueenofthe fairies came in at the window
                          as the mother was  sitting up  in  bed  admiring the child.  The
                          queen kissed the infant, and giving it the name  of Tom  Thumb,
                          immediately  summoned  several  fairies  from  Fairy  Land  to
                          clothe her new little favourite : —

                                        An  oali-lcaf  hat lie  liid  feir  hia  frown,
                                        Hi* shirt  it  vras fcy  spiders spun :
                                        W ith  doublet  wove of  ihisllc  <knynT
                                        His (rowscrs  up  n ilh   point?  were  done.
                                        His stoc^irga, of  opplc-rind,  they  ii*
                                        W ith  cye-laih  pluck'd  frnm  hit  moihcr’a eve  j
                                        His shoes  were  made of  a fetoasc*? skin,
                                        Nicely  tanned  frith  the Lair  vrhliiu.
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