Page 324 - Child's own book
P. 324

£; Madam,” said he, u since I  have had the honour to serve you,
                           I  know not  any other  happiness  that  I  can  wish  for.”—■**  I
                           should be sorry,*'  replied she, “ not  to be  of  service  to  y ou  in
                           something ;  consider, it  is in  my  power  to  make  you a groat
                           king*  prolong  your  life,  make  you  more  amiable,  give  you
                           mines of diamonds, and houses full of gold ;  I  can  make you an
                           excellent orator, poet,  musician, and  painter;  1  can make von
                           beloved by the ladies, and  increase your wit  ;  I e:m make you a
                           spirit  of  the  air,  ihe  water,  or  the  earth."   Here  Leander
                           interrupted  her :  u Permit  me, madam/' said  he,  “ to ask you
                           what  benefit  it  would be  to me to  be invisible, or a spirit V'~—
                           im A thousand useful and delightful things  might  be dime by  it,"
                           Teplicd  the  fairy;  "you  would  be  invisible when you pleased,
                           and  might  iu an  instant traverse  the  whole  earth ;  you  would
                           be able  to  fly  without wings, and  descend  into  the  abysses  of
                           the  earth  without  dying,  and  walk  at  the  bottom  of  the  sea
                           without  being  drowned ;  nor doors,  nor windows,  though  fast
                           shut  and  locked,  could  binder  you  from entering any of  the
                          most secret retirements:  and  whenever  you  had  a  mind, you
                          might  resume  your  natural form.*'—
                          “ Oh, madam I"  cried  Leander, “ then
                          let  me be a spirit;  I  am going to travel,
                          and  prefer  it above all  those other ad­
                          vantages you have si3 generously offered
                          me/'  Gentilta  thereupon stroking his
                          visage  three  times,  u Bo a  spirit,” said
                          she ;  and then embracing him, she gave
                          him  a  little  red  cap  with  a  plume  of
                          feathers:  11 When you put on this cap,
                          you  shall  be  invisible;  but when you
                          take it off, you shall again become visible,”  Leander, overjoyed,
                          put his little red cap upon  his head, and  wished  himself in the
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