Page 332 - Child's own book
P. 332

him  fast to a  tree,  before  he  had  time or  strength  to  defend
                          himself.  Leander having diverted himself awhile with his cries,
                          went to the second, and takingf'him  by both arms, bound him in
                          the same  manner to another tree.  In the mean time Abricotina
                          made the best of her good fortune, and betook herself to her heels,
                          not knowing which  way she went.  But  Leander  missing her,
                          called out toh is horse Gris-de-line three times;  whofindingaforce
                          upon him to obey his master s call, by two kicks with his hoof rid
                          himself of the two ruffians who had pursued  him ;  one of them
                          had his head broken, and the other three of his  ribs-  And now
                           Leander only wanted to overtake Abricotina;  for he had thought
                          her so handsome, that  he wished to sec her again, and  presently
                          overtook  her.  But he found her so weary that she was forced to
                          lean against a tree, not being able to support herself.  When she
                          saw Gris-dc-line coming towards her, “ How lucky am I f ’  cried
                          she;     this pretty little  horse  will
                          carry me to  the palacc of pleasure."
                           Leander  heard  her,  though  she
                          saw  him not;  he rode  up  to  her;
                          Gris-de-linc  stopped,  and  Abri­
                          cotina  mounted  him.         Leander
                          clasped her in  his  anus and placed
                          her  gently  before  him.  Oh,  h o w
                          great  was  Abricotina’s  fear  to  feel
                          herself  fast  embraced,  and  yet  see  nobody !  She  durst not
                          stir;  and  shut  her  eyes  for  fear  of  seeing  a  spirit.    But
                          Leander taking off  his little cap, 41  How comes  it,  fair Abrico­
                          tina," said  he,   that you  are  afraid of  me,  who  delivered you
                          out of the hands of the ruffians ? ”  With that she opened  her
                          eyes, and  knowing him again,  u Oh, sir," said  she,  “  J  am infi­
                          nitely  obliged  to  you;  but  I  was  afraid  I  had  been  with
                          an  invisible."—“ I am not  invisible/* replied  Leander;  “  but
                          the danger you  have been  in has disturbed  you, and cast a mist
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