Page 347 - Child's own book
P. 347

she,  “ escapes  "my knowledge :  the  prince  Leander is  now in
                          her  palace,  he loves  her? and  she has  a  tenderness  for  him.
                          All  my cares  and  precepts  have  not  been  able  to  guard  her
                          from  -the  tyranny  of  Jove,  and  she  is  now  under  his  fetal
                          dominion,     Alaa!  that  cruel  deity  is  not  satisfied  with  the
                          mischiefs he has done  to  me, but exercises  bis  dominion over
                          that which  I  love  more  dearly  than  my life.  But  it  is the
                          decree  of  destiny, and  T  must  submit:  therefore*  Abrieotina,
                          begone;  I’ll,  not  hear  a  word  more  of  a  daughter  whose
                          behaviour  has so much displeased me.”
                            Abrieotina  returned  with  these  bad  tidings,  whereat  the
                          princess was almost distracted ;  and this was soon perceived by
                          Leander,  who  was  near  her, though  she did  not see  him, and
                          beheld her grief with the greatest pain.  However, he durst not
                          then open his lips;  but recollecting that Furibon  was exceed­
                          ingly covetous, he thought that, by givinghima sum of money,
                          he might  perhaps prevail with him  to retire.  Thereupon,  he
                          dressed  himself  like  an  Amazon,  and  wished  himself in  the
                          forest, to catch his horse.   He  had no sooner called  him  than
                          he  came ieapjng,  prancing, and  neighiDg, for joy,  for  he  was
                          grown  quite  tveary  of  being  so  long  absent  from  his  dear
                          master;  but  when  he  beheld  him  dressed  as  a  woman,  he
                          haidly knew hims and  at  first thought himself  deceived :  but
                          Leander mounted him, and soon arrived in the camp of Furibon,
                          where everybody took him.  far a real Amazon, and gave notice
                          to Furibon  that a lady was come to speak  with  him  from the
                         princess  of  Calm  Delights.      Immediately the  little  king put
                          on his royal robes,  and having placed himself upon his tiirone,
                          he looked  like a great toad  counterfeiting a king.
                            Leander harangued him, and told him  that  the  princess, pre­
                         ferring a quiet and  peaceable  life  to  the  fatigues of  war,  had
                         sent him to offer  his  majesty as  much money aa he pleased  to
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