Page 353 - Child's own book
P. 353
town that her motherlived in. As she was crossing a wood, which
lay m her road, she met a large w^lf} which had a great mind
to eat her up, but dared not, for fear of some wood-cutters,
who were at work near them in the forest. Yet he spoke to
her, and asked her whither she was goings The little girl, who
did not know the danger of talking; to a wolf, replied : ii I am
going to see my grandmamma, and carry thcao cakcs and a
pot of butter/'— “ Does she live far
oflT ' said the wolf. « Oh ves! ”
answered Little Red Riding Hcod;
“ beyond the mill you see yonder,
at the first house in the village.**—-
“ We 11" said the wolf, “ I will take
this w’ay, and you take that, and see
which will be tiieie the soonest,”
The wolf set out full speed, running
as fast as he could, and taking the nearest way, while the little