Page 396 - Child's own book
P. 396

was complete,  they  conducted  him  to an apartment  he had  not
                          vet seen,  and  which also  was magnificently  furnished,     There
                          was  in  it  a  iahle  spread  for  a  repast,  and  everythin"  npon  it
                          was of  the purest  gold,  adorned  with  jewels.  The  prince  ob­
                          served  (here  were two covers  stct,  and  was  wondering who  was
                          to  he  bis  eft in pan io^  when  his  attention  was  suddenly  caught
                          hy Ji small  figure  nut  a foot  high,  which  just  then  entered  the
                          room, and  advanced  inwards him.  It had  on  a  long  black  veil,

                          ;inrt  was supported  by  two cats dressed  in  mourning,  and  w ith
                          swords by iheir tides;  they were followed hy a numerous retinue
                          of cats,  some carrying cages full of rats,  and Others mouse  traps
                          full  of mice.
                             The  prince was  at  a loss  what  to  think*  The little  figure
                          now  approached,  and  throwing  aside her veil,  he  beheld  a most
                          beautiful  white eat:  she  seemed  young  and  melancholy;  and
                          addressing herself  to  tbe  prince,  she said>   Young prince, you
                          are  welcome  ;  yonr  presence  affords me  the  greatest pleasure.**
                          — “ Madam}rt  replied  the prince,  “  I  would  fain thank  yon  for
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