Page 402 - Child's own book
P. 402

made  as suTcof  obtaining  the crown as his brother  hod done ;
                          bait  alas!  with  no  bettor  success ;  for  though  his  piece  of
                          cambric  was exquisitely  fine,  yet it could not be drawn  through
                          UlR eve tjf the needle.  It was  non'  the youngest  prince’s turn,
                          who  accordingly  advanced,  and  opening  an  elegant little  box
                          inlaid  with jewels, he took out a walnut, and  tracked the  shell,
                          imagining he should  immediately pe>ceivo his piece of cambric ;
                          but  what  was  his astonishment  to st'e  nothing  but  a  filbert!
                          He did not,  however,lose his hopes;  he cracked the filbert, and
                          it presented  him  with  a  cherry-stonc,  The lords of the  court,
                          who  had assembled  to  witness this  extraordinary  trial,  could
                          not, un v more than tho  princes his brothers, refrain  from laugh­
                          ing,  to  think  he  should  be  so silly as to claim with  them  the
                          crown on  no  better  pretensions.  The prince, however,  cracked
                          the  cherry-shme, which  was  filled with 4  kernel;  he  divided
                          it,  and  found  in  the  middle  a  grain  of  wheat, and  in  that  a
                          grain of millet  seed*  tie  was  now absolutely  eonfoundcd,  and
                          could  not  help  muttering  lietwcea  his  teeth,    O  white  cat,
                          white  cat,  thou  hast  deceived  me!   At this instant  he felt his
                          hand  scratched  by  the  claw  of a  e:it  ;  upon which  he  again
                          took  courage,  and  opening  the  grain  of  millet  seed,  to  the
                          astonishment  of  all present, he  drew forth  a  piece  of  cambric
                          four  hundred  yards  long,  and  fine  enough  to  be  di*wn  with
                          perfect ease  through  the  eye of  the  needle*    When tbe king
                          foilnd  he  had  no  pretext  left  for  refusing  the  crown  to  his
                          youngest  son, he  sighed  deeply, and  it  was easy  to  he seen that
                          he wassorry  for the princes success.  “  My sons,"  said  he,  lt jt
                          is so gratifying to  the  heart of a  father to  rcccive  proofs of his
                          children s  love  and  obedience,  that  I  cannot  refuse  myself  the
                          satisfaction  of  requiring  of  you  one  thing  more,   Vou  must
                          undertake another expedition ;  and  whichever, by  the end of  a
                          year,  brings mo the  most beautiful iady,  shall  marry  her,  and
                          obtain  my crown. ”
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