Page 412 - Child's own book
P. 412
farther off, which he agreed to. W e set the sails, and I having
the helm, ran the boat out near a league further, and then
brought her to, as if I would fish ; when giving the boy the
helm, I stf'pt forwards, and stooping behind the Moor, took him
1>y surprise and tossed him into the sea ; he arose immediately,
for he swam like a cork, and called to me to take him in ; but
fetching out one of the fowling-pieces, I presented it at him, and
told him that if he eamc near the boat I would shoot him, so he
turned about, and swam towards the land, and, as he was an
excellent swimmer, I make no douht but that he reached the
shore with ease. When he was gone, I turned to the hoy,
whom they called Xury, and said to him, {' Xury, if you will
he faithful lo me, 1 will make you a great man* and if you
will not stroke your face to be true to me (that is, to swear by
Mahomet and his father's heard), I must throw’ you into the
sea too.” The boy smiled in my facc, aud spoke so innocently,
that I could not mistrust him ; he swore to be faithful to rue,
and to go over all the world with me.