Page 423 - Child's own book
P. 423

guessed it could not be less than twenty  leagues off.  I imagined
                           it was some  savage  coast, and  such indeed  it  proved.  In  this
                          journey I  caught a parrot, having knocked it down with a stick,
                           brought it home with me,  and taught it to speak.  1  found in
                          the lower grounds, hares, but as they  were not  like what  I  had
                          seen,  I  was afraid to eat them ;  and  I  had no need to make ex­
                          periments, as 1  had goats,  pigeons, and turtle,  which,  added  to
                          my grapes,  Leadenhall Market could not have furnished a better
                          table.    Here  was also  an  infinite  number of  fowls,  but  1  was
                          too sparing  o.f  my powder to  shoot  them.      I  travelled  about
                          twelve miles eastward  along the shore, and  then  setting  up a
                          great post for a mark, returned homeward, desiring that my  next
                          tour should  be  the  contrary way, till  I  came  to  this post.   I
                          took a different  way home from that  I went;  but unfortunately
                          lost  myself,  and  wandered about  very  uncomfortably :  till  at
                          last  I  was  obliged to  find  out the seaside,  to seek for my  post,
                          being tired to death with the heat of the weather and the weight
                          of my arms.     I  now rested  myself  a  week, employed  in  the
                          weighty affair of  making a cage for my parrot,  which soon be­
                          came one of  my favourites,
                             My com was now coming up, and the goats and hares, having
                          tasted  the sweetness of  the  blade,  lay at it  night  and day,  as
                          soon as it sprang out of the ground, so that it could get no time
                          to  shoot  into  a  stalk.  To defend it,  I  surrounded  it  with  a
                          hedge, and, in the  meanwhile, shooting some of the creatures by
                          day,  I  sent my dog to  watch it by night, which he did so  faith­
                          fully, that the  enemies  forsook  the place,  and  the  com grew,
                          and  began to ripen apace.     When the  corn was in ear,  I  was
                          nearly as much^troubled  by birds;  but  having killed three,  I
                          used  them  as  we  do murderers  in  England— hanged  them  in
                          chains,  to  serve as a terror to the  rest.  Not a fowl afterwards
                          came near my corn, indeed, near the  place, a a long as my  scare­
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