Page 464 - Child's own book
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captain,  she  ventured  to  touch  her  too,  saying  all  tic   time,
                          “ Poot> poot," for she  could  not  speak  English,      At  last  the
                          queen  look  puss  on  her  lap,  and  by degrees  became  quite  free
                          with her,  till  puss purred herself to sleep.  When the king had
                          seen the actions of  mistress  puss,  and  was  told  that she  would
                          sood  have young ones, which  might in  time kill  all the  rats and
                          micc  in  lib country, he bought the captain's whole ship's cargo;
                          and afterwards gave  him a great  deal of gold besides* which  was
                          worth  still  more,  for the  cat.   The  captain  then took  leave  of
                          the king and  queen, and  the  great  persons  of their court;  and,
                          with a!l  his ship's ercwT  set sail  w ith  a fair  wind  for  England,
                          and* after a  happy voyage, arrived  safe at  London,
                             One morning,  when  Mr,  Fitzwarren  had just  come  into  the
                          counting-house,  and  seated himself at  the desk,  somebody  came
                          tap*  tup,  tap*  at  the  door.  “  Who  is there V   said  Mr,  Fitz-
                          wamtn.  “ A friend,”  answered  some  one,  opening  the door :
                          when  who should  it  be  but  the  captain  and  mate of  the  ship,
                          just arrived  from  the  coast  of Barhary,  and  followed  by several
                          men,  carrying  a vast  many  lumps of gold,  that had  been  paid
                          him  by  the  king  of  Harbary  for  the ship's  cargo.  They  then
                          told  the story  of  the  eat,  and showed  the rich present that  the
                          king  had  sent  to  Dick  for  her;  upon  which  the  merchant
                          called  out  to  his servants,
                                      **    fctch  him,  we  wffl  tell  him   the  same  ;
                                        Pray  call  him  Sir. W hittington  by  n in it,”
                             Mr,  Fitzwarrcn  now showed  himself to  he a really good  man*
                          for  when some of  hia  clerks  said  so  great  a  treasure was  too
                          much  for such  a  boy as  Dick, he  answered  “ God  forbid that  I
                          should  keep  the  value  of  a  single  penny from  him !  It  is all
                          his own, and  he shall  have every  farthing^ worth of  it  to him­
                          self.”  lie   then  sent for  Dick,  who  at  that  time  happened  to
                          be scouring  the  cook  s  kettles, and  was quite  dirty ;  so  that he
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