Page 566 - Child's own book
P. 566

an old  woman, with  a  basket full of  berries.  The  old  woman
                           gave her some  to  eat, and  Elise asked her  if  she  had  not seen
                           eleven princes riding through the forest.
                             u N o/’ said  the  old  woman;  Ubut  yesterday  I  saw  eleven
                           swans, with  gold  crowns  on  their  heads,  swimming down  the
                           river  hereabouts/’

                              She  then  led  Elisc  a  little  further,  towards  a  slope  at
                           the  foot  of  which  ran  a  winding  rivulet.     The  trees  on  its
                           banks  stretched  forth  their  long,  leafy  branches,  till  they
                           met,  and  wherever  their  growth  wonld  not  hare  diowed
                           them  to  mingle  their  foliage,  the  roots  had  broken  loose
                           from  the  soil,  and  hurg  entwined  with  the  branches  across
                           the  water.
                              Elisc  then bid the old dame farewell, and followed  the rivu­
                           let till  it flowed towards a wide,  open shore.
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