Page 582 - Child's own book
P. 582
there you have a capital stone, upon "which you may sharpen
even old nails. Take great care of it.'1
Hans took up the stone, anti went on with a contented heart,
his eyes glistening for joy. 14 I must have beon bom in luck* *
he exclaimed ; everything has fell out as I wished* like as if I
were a Sunday child/1 Meantimes, as he had been walking all
day, he began (q feel tired, and hunger tormented him as he re
membered how that he had eaten ail his bread at once for joy*
when exchanging ihe cow. He could not, at last, go any fur
ther for weariness, and as he sat down to rest, the stone which
he carried hurt him. So then he began to consider how much
better off he should be if he had nothing" to carry, and presently,
coming to a deep well, he thought; he would refresh him
self with a draught, but that the stone might not press on him
when he sat downt he laid it carefully near him on the edge