Page 605 - Child's own book
P. 605

right or  to  tlie left, when suddenly she  saw  a  little  man  ap­
                          proaching her from  among the  trees.  He had on  a tall  green

                          hat, with a white feather in it.  His coat was of swanVdown;
                          he carried a bow made of ivory across his shoulder, and a little
                          huntiug-horn hung; by his side.  “ What do you seek*my child?”
                          said he, pleasantly,  a I  am looking  foT strawberries/1  Teplied
                          Delphine;  “ I  have  a  dear  friend who  is  very  ill,  and  she
                          says  that  strawberries  will  make  her  well  again ;  but  it  is
                          winter  time, and I do not know where to find any.’’—“ Come
                          with me,” said  the  little  man,  <c and  I  will  show  you  where
                          you can get them/’  And he walked softly on amid  the trees,
                          till they reached  a part of  the forest that  seemed warmer and
                          more  summer-like,  and  soon  they  came  to  a  grated door in
                          the  side of a  hill.   The  little man  unlocked  it*  and  said  to
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