Page 84 - Child's own book
P. 84
able to po again to the ball the next day* for the king’s son had
untreated her to be there. Vi hile she was telling her god
mother every thing that had happened to her at the ball, the
(wo sisters knocked a loud rat-tat-tat at the door ; which Cin
derella opened. “ How kite vou have stayed j ” said she yawn
ing* nibbing her eyes, and stretching herself, as if just awakened
out of her sleep, though she had, in truthT felt no desire for
sleepiince they left |c r. 41 If you had lieen at the ball,'’ said
one of the sisters, “ let me tell you, you would not have been
sleepy : there eamc thither the handsomest, yes, the very
handsomest princess ever beheld I She paid us a thousand
attentions, and made us take a part of the oranges and sweet
meats the prince had given her,” Cinderella could scarcely
con rain herself for joy : she asked her sister the name of this
princess : to which they replied* that nobody had been able to
discover who she wasj that the king's wu was extremely
grieved on that account* and had offered a large reward to any
person who could find out where site came from. Cinderella
smiled, and said : a JHow vrrv beautiful she must he! How
fortunate you arc ! Ah, con hi 1 but see her for a single
moment! Deyr Miss Charlotte* lend me only the yellow
gown you wear every day* and let me go to see her."— Lt Oh !
yeti, J warrant you ; lend my clothes to a Cindcrbreech J 1>0
you really suppose me such a fool ? No, n o ; pray, Miss
Forward, mind your proper business, and leave dress and balls
to your betters." Cinderella expectcd some such answer, and
was hv no means sorry, for she would have been sadly at a
loss what to do if her sister had icnt her the clothes that she
asked of her.
The next day the two sisters again appeared at the ball, and
so did Cinderella, but dressed much more magnificently than
the night before. The king’s sou was continually by her side,