Page 11 - NYS GEAR UP Level Up
P. 11

NYS GEAR UP Choosing Your Own Path Choosing Your Own Path NYS GEAR UP EDUCATION
• • Type of degree or diploma • • GPA (if applicable)
Date (Use mm/yy)
Date Worked (Use mm/yy)
School Name
Full Address (Include City and State) Email Address Phone Number
Job Position
• • Use Use 3-5 3-5 bulleted bulleted points points regarding regarding your your daily daily job job duties duties be be concise concise and and clear clear • • • Use Use Use 3-5 3-5 3-5 bulleted bulleted bulleted points points points regarding regarding regarding your your your daily daily daily job job job duties duties duties be be be concise concise concise and and and clear clear clear • • Use Use 3-5 3-5 bulleted bulleted points points regarding regarding your your daily daily job job duties duties be be concise concise and and clear clear Company/Organization
Date Worked (Use mm/yy)
Job Position
• • Use Use 3-5 3-5 bulleted bulleted points points regarding regarding your your daily daily job job duties duties be be concise concise and and clear clear • • • Use Use Use 3-5 3-5 3-5 bulleted bulleted bulleted points points points regarding regarding regarding your your your daily daily daily job job job duties duties duties be be be concise concise concise and and and clear clear clear • • Use Use 3-5 3-5 bulleted bulleted points points regarding regarding your your daily daily job job duties duties be be concise concise and and clear clear VOlUNTEER WORk Company/Organization
Date Worked (Use mm/yy)
Volunteer position
• • Use Use 2-3bulleted points points regarding regarding your your volunteer volunteer duties duties be be concise concise and and clear clear • • Use Use 2-3 2-3 bulleted bulleted points points regarding regarding your your volunteer volunteer duties duties be be concise concise and and clear clear • Add any school groups or or or sports you you are in and your current status or or or position

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