Page 4 - RTO Materials Catalogue September 2018
P. 4


                                                                             N E W   S E R V I C E

    When we began RTO Materials 10 years ago, we shook the market up by offering Australian
    training resources that could be downloaded, branded and contextualised. We also offered free
    updates and guaranteed that our learning materials would pass audit. We are still offering all
    these great benefits, BUT now you will be able to do this on an annual subscription basis.

                                                                     W H Y   S U B S C R I B E ?

   We are passionate about what we do and we have been helping RTOs big and small grow their
   businesses for 10 years – subscribing to our library makes it easier than ever to do this.

   A subscription will grant you access to as many training materials as you need and more. Having              SUBSCRIPTIONS
   more means being able to offer your customers a greater choice of electives; also, why not
   consider offering training you don't have on scope? Many employers and students are very happy
   to complete training that gives a certificate of completion rather than a formal qualification,                    N O W   A V A I L A B L E
   knowing that that the quality of the training and subsequent improvement in skills is the same.

   With our Gold VIP subscription, this means you can suddenly offer training for up to 176
   qualifications overnight, without the pain of going through an audit or adding to scope. Your
   students will now have a vast choice of electives, so qualifications can be customised to their
   needs, making it a more appealing prospect to them and earning you more business at the same
   time. If you choose the Gold VIP level you will pay just $7,999 and get access to all the learning
   resources in our library and any new units – great insurance for when a training package or unit of
   competancy is superseded. At just $6 per unit, this is by far the cheapest and best value package
   for Australian learning resources available on the market and will afford you the chance to expand
   your business at minimal cost.

   We will still give our usual compliance support; that is, if materials require rectification at audit
   we will do this straight away at no charge.

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