Page 4 - IA Manual
P. 4
1.7 Letter of engagement
a. An engagement letter would be prepared including the below components, these
components listed are illustrative, a sample engagement letter with all clauses is
attached: -
• Agreement from management that it acknowledges and understands its
• To provide access to all information such as records, documentation and other
• To provide Additional information that may be requested from management for the
• Unrestricted access to persons within the entity from whom the auditor determines
it necessary to obtain audit evidence, AM
• On recurring audits, shall assess whether circumstances require the terms of the
audit engagement to be revised and whether there is a need to remind the entity of
the existing terms of the audit engagement,
• Brief scope of the audit,
• Non-disclosure agreement or contract,
• Restrictive liability clause,
• Commercial terms.
b. Letter of engagement would be prepared and sent to the client for acceptance
c. Obtain signed letter of engagement and upload in the respective papilio services
2. New Clients On-Boarding
a. Collect required details from the client and update the same in Client Acceptance Form
(CAF) in GJ Portal and intimate to Team - IT
b. Team - IT will review the Client Acceptance Form (CAF) in GJ Portal with respect to all
required information and forward to Engagement Partner for approval.
c. Upon approval of Client Acceptance Form (CAF) in GJ Portal by the Engagement Partner,
it is forwarded to the Approving Partner for approval.
d. Approving partner reviews and approves the Client Acceptance Form (CAF) in GJ Portal AP
e. New client profile is created in Papilio. IT