Page 35 - The IT Guidebook
P. 35


 Three  highly  effective  and  inexpensive   When  creating  an  ITAD  Plan,  choose   should be carefully dismantled to prevent
 Data  Destruction  methods  employed  by   a  NAID  certified  IT  Asset  Disposition   damage  to components that  may be
 ITAD providers include:  firm  that  offers  seamless  integration  by   reintroduced  back  into  the  manufacturing
 collaborating with your Managed Service   stream  since  electronics  are  made  from
 1.  MEDIA SANITIZATION:   Provider,  or  works  as  an  extension  of   valuable  resources  and  materials,  which
 your  own  IT  Department  to  develop  or   require energy to manufacture. Not only is
 Often referred to as Wiping a Hard Drive,   execute your strategy. Not only should they   this a critical process since electronic waste
 sanitization  meets  up  to  24  International   offer the Data Destruction options above,   represents 2% of the trash in US landfills
 Standards including the US Department of   but  also  ensure  that  chain  of  custody  is   but  equals  70%  of  overall  toxic  waste  in
 Defense’s DoD 5220.22-M.    maintained,  and the data destruction   the US alone - but prioritizing Sustainable
 process can be recorded and saved as visual   Technology  will  help  your  organization
 2.  DEGAUSSING:   proof with Certificates of Data Destruction,   reduce its environmental footprint and meet
 an invaluable asset in the event of an audit.  Corporate Social Responsibility goals.
 Demagnetizing  or  degaussing  a  hard
 drive  renders  it  completely  unusable.  To   Sustainable technology practices pertain to   IT  Asset  Disposition  practices  are  more
 accomplish  this,  a  High  Definition  5T   the management, repurposing, and lawful   time-consuming  than  complex.  Having  a
 degausser  with  patented  internal  NSA   disposition  of  IT  hardware  in  a  manner   strategy  in  place  will  ensure  process  and
 Approved Field Verification is used. Field   that  reduces  environmental  impact and is   procedure  is  followed  when  it  is  time  to
 strength can then be measured in real-time,   the  final  component  of  a  comprehensive   dismantle IT equipment - even if employee
 ensuring your media is being degaussed to   IT/Electronics  disposal  plan.  Obsolete  IT   responsibility shifts significantly mitigating
 NSA standards.   assets and other electronics are considered   your organizational risk of a Breach After
 toxic waste and by law must be properly   Disposition and ensuring data compliance.
 3.  HARD DRIVE DESTRUCTION:   recycled, which conserves natural resources
 and  reduces  air  and  water  pollution,  as
 A  method  that  utilizes  a  hard  drive   well as greenhouse gas emissions that are
 destruction machine to physically fold and   caused by manufacturing virgin materials.
 destroy the device.  Equipment  that  cannot  be  repurposed

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