Page 30 - Business Insights Technology Industry
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                                                                                         TECHNOLOGY TRANSACTIONS
    UNRAVELING SALES                                                                Beyond  having  nexus,  it  is  also  then  important   Given  the  complexity  of  managing  sales  tax
                                                                                                                         across  multiple  jurisdictions,  many  businesses
    TAX COMPLIANCE FOR                                                              for  technology  companies  to  assess  if  their   are turning to technology for assistance. Sales tax
    TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES                                                            offering is subject to sales tax in the state itself.     automation software can streamline the process
                                                                                    While state legislatures are continually updating
                                                                                                                         of  tracking  nexus,  calculating  tax  liabilities,
                                                                                    their  sales  tax  laws  to  address  emerging  trends
                                                                                    in  technology,  e-commerce  and  remote  sales,   and  filing  returns.  Advanced  systems  integrate
                                                                                                                         with ERP and e-commerce platforms to ensure
                                                                                    emerging  technology  will  always  be  ahead  of
      F   or most technology companies sales tax  Sales tax nexus refers to         this, forcing companies to “put a square peg in   accurate  and timely compliance,  reducing  the
                                                                                                                         risk  of  errors  and  penalties.  In  response  to
          compliance represents one of the biggest  the minimum  connection
          challenges and is often more burdensome  or  link  that  a  business  has   a round hole.” It wasn’t until the mid-2010s that   heightened enforcement efforts, businesses must
    and  difficult  than  income  tax  or  payroll  tax  with  a  state  or  jurisdiction  that   some states released guidance or laws related to   proactively  monitor  their  nexus  footprint  and
    compliance.  Sales  tax  in  particular  is  tough  requires it to collect and remit sales tax   Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) transactions, and   assess their compliance obligations on a regular
    given the extreme amount of latitude given  to  on sales made to customers in that state or   still many have not directly addressed Platform-  basis.  Leveraging  state-provided  tools  and
    each state in terms of the rate, what transactions  jurisdiction. Traditionally, nexus was established   as-a-Service or Infrastructure-as-a-Service.  States   resources can facilitate sales tax collection and
    are  subject  to  sales  tax  and  their  legal  right  to  through physical presence, such as if a business   have historically looked at what is the  “true   filing processes, while participation in voluntary
    impose  sales  tax  collection  on  vendors.  Much  has a physical presence in a state—like an office,   object” of a service to determine its taxability but   disclosure  programs  can  mitigate  penalties  for
    like technology itself, this is an often changing  store, employee, or warehouse—it generally has   increasing software integrations and components   non-compliance.  Moreover,  businesses  should
    and  evolving  arena  which  can  require  special  nexus  in  that  state  and  must  collect  sales  tax.   have made this more and more difficult and the   advocate  for  clearer  nexus  guidelines  and
    attention  to  avoid  both  firm  level  and  personal  However,  the  Wayfair  decision  revolutionized   line more blurred than ever.  Further complicating   engage in dialogue with policymakers to address
    level  risk  for  directors  or  officers,  as  they  can  this paradigm by introducing an economic nexus   matters  is  the  ability  of  each  state  to  determine   systemic challenges.
    be held personally liable for unpaid sales tax in  standard, holding that states can require out-of-  what  transactions  are  subject  to  tax  –  as  an
    certain circumstances.                state  sellers  to  collect  sales  tax  based  on  their   example  most  SaaS  transactions  are  exempt  in   The landscape of sales tax continues to evolve,
                                          economic  and virtual  connections  to the state,   California  but  are  subject  to  tax  in  New  York.     driven  by  legislative  changes,  technological
       UNDERSTANDING SALES TAX NEXUS      rather  than  just  a  physical  presence. The  court   As  more  technology  firms  are  audited  by  states   advancements,  and  increased  enforcement.
                                          reasoned that the previous physical presence rule   and  matters  of  controversy  reach  courts  we  get   Technology  companies  operating  in  multiple
    In  the  realm  of  sales  tax  compliance,  was outdated due to the growth of e-commerce   continued guidance on how each individual state   states  must  stay  informed  about  these
    understanding  sales  tax  nexus  is  paramount.  and  that  it  was necessary  to  level the  playing   is  looking  at  matters,  but  often  firms  are  in  the   developments  and  adopt  robust  compliance
    As  technology  firms  continue  to  expand  their  field  between  online  and  brick-and-mortar   dark applying analog standards to a digital world.  strategies  to  manage  their  tax  obligations
    operations  across state  lines,  navigating  the  retailers.  Many  states  have  adopted  economic                 effectively.  Leveraging  technology,  staying
    complex landscape of sales tax nexus has become  nexus laws, which require businesses to collect   STATE POLICIES AND ENFORCEMENT:  abreast  of  legislative  changes,  and  consulting
    increasingly  challenging.  Recent  developments  sales tax based on economic activity rather than                   with tax professionals are key steps in ensuring
    highlight several key strategies and regulatory  physical  presence.  This  often  includes  criteria   Enforcement of economic nexus rules has become   ongoing  compliance  in  a  complex  multistate
    updates  that  are  crucial  for  maintaining  like a certain amount of sales revenue or number   more  rigorous,  driven  in  part  by  states’  efforts   environment.
    compliance  in  a  multistate  environment.  Sales  of  transactions  within  the  state.  Each  state  has   to address budget shortfalls exacerbated by the
    tax nexus, the connection between a business and  the  right  to  make  their  own  law  –  the  law  for   COVID-19  pandemic.  States  are  leveraging   KIMBERLY MARTINEZ, CPA
    a state that triggers tax obligations, has evolved  California  may  not  be  the  same  as  New York.    technology  and  data  analytics  to  identify  non-  DIRECTOR
    significantly  in  recent  years,  particularly  with  Most states have used the threshold that South   compliant  businesses,  including  issuing  nexus
    the landmark Supreme Court decision in South  Dakota used in the Wayfair decision of $100,000   questionnaires  and  monitoring  online  sales
    Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc. This article delves into  in  annual  transaction  volume  (in previous  or   activities.  State  tax  authorities  are  ramping  up
    the  intricacies  of  sales  tax  nexus,  delineating  current year)  or  200  transactions.  Some  states   their  audit  activities,  focusing  on  businesses
    between physical and economic nexus, exploring  have economic floors as low as $10,000 or don’t   with significant economic nexus but potentially
    state  policies,  thresholds,  and  enforcement  have a transaction bright line number, but luckily   underreporting their tax obligations. It’s essential
    trends,  and  offering  insights  for  businesses  to  most of the states use a somewhat similar test.    for businesses to maintain thorough records and
    navigate this complex landscape.                                                be prepared for potential audits. Regular internal
                                                                                    reviews and consultations with tax professionals
                                                                                    can  help  identify  and  address  any  compliance
                                                                                    gaps before they become issues.

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