Page 5 - NYC Imagine Sponsorship Proposal 2025
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“  It was a delightful shock and honor to receive the   About

 OneGroup Innovation Award  at  the NYC  Imagine
 Awards in 2023. As a small and young nonprofit, it   5  ANNUAL IMAGINE AWARDS
                                                         New York City Imagine Awards
 means the world to share a stage and break bread   The New York City Imagine Awards will be held  Tuesday, October 28, 2025,  6 - 10pm  at
 with so many inspiring organizations with leaders   Guastavino’s, New York, NY.  This gala event was created to offer formal acknowledgment to
 who have welcomed us so generously. Even before   some of the City’s most effective and innovative nonprofit organizations. 501(c)(3) nonprofits located
 the ceremony, the process was already more than   in and/or serving The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens or Staten Island are eligible to apply.
 worth it: answering thoughtful questions about our
 work, collaborating with the awesome video team,   Last year we received over 250 applications across six categories, Arts & Culture; DEIA (Diversity,

 and  getting  to  learn  about  the  other  nonprofits  in   Equity, Inclusion,  and/or Accessibility);  Innovation;  Leadership  Excellence; Rising Star; and
 the Imagine Awards network was hugely meaningful   Social Impact, with the winner in each category winning a $5,000 award. The 24 finalists, 4 in each
 for all of us at Hear Your Song. We are so grateful for   category, each received a professionally produced video, which was showcased the night of the
 this tremendous recognition and opportunity and   event, two free tickets to the event, and thanks to our Diamond Sponsor, Webster Bank, $1,000
          each! In addition to the 24 finalists recieving a professionally produced video and 2 free event tickets.
 for the warm community from which they stem. ”  Diamond Sponsorship for 2025 is available!

 Dan Rubins

 Dan Rubins, Executive Director & Co-Founder, Hear Your Song
 Past Winner of the
 Innovation Imagine Award

           RECOGNITION                        COLLABORATION                            EDUCATION

          For   decades,   the   nonprofit    The  gala  is  expected  to  attract  an   The  winners  are  the  pioneers
          sector  has  been  touching  the    audience of over 500 nonprofit and   and  innovators  of  the  nonprofit
          lives  of  everyone  that  lives,   for-profit  professionals  currently   sector  and  collectively,  their
          works  and  plays  in  the  New     making  a  difference  in  the  sector.   forward-thinking  qualities  and
          York  Metropolitan  area.  Too      This provides endless opportunities   strong leadership can inspire and
          often,  the  sector  is  rewarded   to  unite  efforts  from  nonprofit   educate  other  organizations  to
          with  increased  regulations  and   organizations  and  corporations     evolve,  collaborate,  and  increase
          unfunded  mandates.  We,  the       that work with the sector.           their  operational  effectiveness  …
          Imagine   Awards    Committee,                                           a win for agencies and the sector
          wanted  to change  that and
                                                                                   as a whole.
 “ We appreciate the part that our sponsors play in partnering with us to   recognize nonprofits for making
          a  difference.  Our  way  of  giving
 New York City Imagine Awards
          back to a sector that’s been giving
 create an event that’s able to hi-light the best the New York Metropolitan
 area has to offer in the nonprofit sector. It truly shows that through
 collaboration, we can provide recognition for the great things the sector is   back all along.
 doing, foster cooperation between agencies, and educate the sector of the
 innovative and impactful endeavors the nonprofit sector is undertaking.

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