Page 18 - Long Island Imagine Sponsorship Proposal 2025
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2024 Winners

          Diversity, Equity, Inclusion,                                     THE WOMEN’S                                                  Innovation Award                                   GREEN INSIDE AND OUT
         & Accessibility (DEIA) Award                                 DIVERSITY NETWORK                                     Winner of the 2024 Flagstar Bank Innovation Imagine Award. Green Inside and Out’s Mission is to empower

     Winner of the 2024 Bethpage Federal Credit Union Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Accessibility (DEIA) Imagine          and educate consumers about better alternatives for low-environmental impact living. Purpose: Without
     Award.  The  Women’s  Diversity  Network  (WDN)  connects  and  mobilizes  women  and  gender-expansive                a clean environment, life on earth, human or otherwise, is unsustainable. Green Inside and Out seeks to
     people of different backgrounds to create positive change through unity and collective work. In a world                educate people on how best to protect themselves and the environment through their daily choices, for the
     prioritizing  DEIA,  WDN  shines  as  a  beacon  of  change,  uniting  women  and  gender-expansive  individuals                    benefit of all. We primarily focus on two main issues- toxins and waste reduction.
     from diverse backgrounds to confront DEIA issues head-on. With a comprehensive approach encompassing
     DEIA, WDN fosters a nurturing organizational culture while addressing these crucial pillars through dynamic

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Transforming the lives of people with disabilities
                                                                                                                                   Hall of Fame Award                              THE VISCARDI CENTER, INC.

                  Social Impact Award                              SCO FAMILY OF SERVICES                                   Recipient of the 2024 Jovia Financial Credit Union Hall of Fame Imagine Award. The Viscardi Center is dedicated

     Winner of the 2024 Cerini and Associates Social Impact Imagine Award. SCO provides vital human services                to educating, employing, and empowering individuals with disabilities or similar needs, fostering a love of
     to  50,000  individuals  each  year,  working  with  marginalized  individuals  and  communities  to  meet  life’s                         learning, the power of work, and the freedom of independent living.
     challenges, strengthen and stabilize families, and improve outcomes. Their programs include Early Childhood
     and Education, Family Permanency, Community Health and Wellness, Housing, Residential Treatment/Youth
                            Justice, and Services for People with Developmental Disabilities.

                                                                                                                                                                                              HAIR WE SHARE
                                                                                                                                      Fan Favorite Award

                                                                                                                            Winner of the 2024 Nerds That Care Fan Favorite Imagine Award. Hair We Share’s mission is to maintain
           Leadership Excellence Award                                LGBT NETWORK, INC.                                    dignity,  confidence,  and  self-esteem  for  those  affected  by  hair  loss.  They  have  a  deep  understanding  of
                                                                                                                            how hair loss can be devastating, and how a natural looking wig can have an uplifting effect. They provide
     Winner of the 2024 Certilman Balin Leadership Imagine Award. The LGBT Network is a 501(c)(3) non-profit                                          beautiful high quality natural looking wigs free of charge.
     organization that is a home and a voice for LGBT people, their families, and support systems in Long Island
     and Queens. Their community centers help LGBT people to be themselves, stay healthy, and change the world.

                                                                    SPIRIT OF HUNTINGTON
               Arts & Culture Award                                           ART CENTER                                               Rising Star Award                             HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL &
      Winner  of  the  2024  Claire  Friedlander  Family  Foundation  Arts  &  Culture  Imagine  Award.  The  Spirit  of                                                                  TOLERANCE CENTER
      Huntington Art Center believes creative expression ignites a passion in individuals of all ages and abilities         Winner of the 2024 Vanguard Benefits Rising Star Imagine Award. Holocaust Memorial & Tolerance Center’s
      that transforms their lives. Within our Community Arts Center we offer the innovative ArtWORKS program,               mission includes teaching about the dangers of antisemitism, intolerance, racism, bullying, and all other
      where students receive personalized training with skills and knowledge in digital art and design courses that         manifestations  of  bigotry.  HMTC  promotes  resistance  to  prejudice  and  advocates  respect  for  all.  The
                               can lead to gainful employment and personal expression.                                         organization regularly calls out acts of anti-Semitism and hate — making both national and local news.

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