Page 3 - Long Island Imagine Sponsorship Proposal 2025
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                                              Long Island Imagine Awards

 MESS A GE FR OM OUR EVENT  CHAIR                              2  Recognizing  in the Nonprooit Sector

 ABOUT                                        3-4  LETTER FROM THE EVENT CHAIR

 TEAM                                       5-6  The 13th Annual Imagine Awards, the premiere event that shines the spotlight on the

             nonprofit sector, will be held on April 29, 2025, at Crest Hollow Country Club. While
 A W ARDS                                     7-8  that may seem far off, the planning and the promotion of the event begins now. The 12th
             Annual Long Island Imagine Awards was such a huge success for everyone involved. We
 2025   FINALIST S                              9-10
             are looking forward to continuing this momentum and are excited that in addition to

 PR O JE CT                               11-12  our 6 Award Categories, we have a qualifying nonprofit who will be inducted in our Hall
             of Fame.

 SPONSORSHIP   LEVELS                              13-16
             By committing to a sponsorship now, your company will receive the maximum benefit of
 2024   WINNERS                 17-18  sponsorship and promotional opportunities.  An Imagine Awards sponsorship positions
             your company’s name in front of more than 3,000 Long Island agencies, their boards,
 SPONSORSHIP   F ORM                       19-20  and staff; as well as the thousands of companies that work with the sector. We will be
             highly publicizing the event through a social media campaign that includes over 10,000
             LinkedIn  members,  more  than  20,000  e-mail  addresses,  communication  with  over
             100 media outlets, and more. We encourage our sponsors to find ways to collaborate
             with each other, and in addition, we seek other ways to leverage our relationships to
             create additional marketing and business opportunities for our sponsors. This means a
             tremendous ROI for you and your brand.

             This  packet  contains  information  on  the  Imagine  Awards;  why  it  is  important  and
             beneficial to get involved; and how you can support the Long Island nonprofit sector.
             You win through added exposure of your company and products/services and by doing
             the right thing for a sector that does so much for everyone here on Long Island.

             Imagine the impact you can make ... be a part of something magical!
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