Page 6 - v.01142019 - Summer Booklet
P. 6

Pueblo, Colorado

           America's Home of Heroes

           The city of Pueblo, Colorado is a place where
           your dreams can be as big as the snow-capped

           mountains, where fleece jackets and tuxedos are
           equally trendy, where small-town charm meets                                     Denver
           big-city fusion. Pueblo contains a dynamic mix of
           arts and culture, shopping and dining, sports and
                                                                                              116 miles           Colorado Springs

           Approximately 300 sunny days a year a ract           Rocky Mountains
           outdoor enthusiasts to a full slate of summer                                                            45.5 miles
           and winter recrea onal ac vi es, encompassing
           water sports at Lake Pueblo, biking or running
                                                                                   Less than 40 miles            Pueblo
           along Pueblo's beau ful river trail system,

           golfing, playing tennis, hiking or skiing in the
           mountains to the west, or just ge ng some sun.

           One of the major a rac ons to Southern Colorado is our             The nightlife venues feature local and na onal ar sts
           ideal year-round climate with four dis nct mild seasons,           performing at the Sangre De Cristo Arts & Conference
           crisp mountain air, and over 300 days of sunshine per year!
                                                                              Center, dinner theaters, and local nightclubs.
           Southern Colorado also has an uncrowded, low-density
           popula on.                                                         Nearby, mountain communi es host unique fes vals,
                                                                              world-renown ski slopes and abundant recrea onal
           In addi on the scenic beauty is unrivaled with towering pine
           forests, snowcapped mountains, rock outcroppings,                  adventures.
           monuments, and plateaus.
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