Page 18 - Medicine of the future V2
P. 18

Medicine of the Future

    TO THIS                                                       2013             2017

          Sue has just had her 2018 bone                             density is as good as a 40 year
          scan and her bones have improved                           old and also his wife Margaret
          a further……… Her bones are now                             who is 88 years old has bone
          better than someone her own age.                           density 126% age related.
          This is really sensational and I                           Percy’s sister is 89 and his

          encourage you to try this medicine                         Brother in law is 93 and have also
          of the future because you have                             been using their Wellcells for over
          absolutely nothing to lose. We offer                       15 years and both have above
          a 12 month money back guarantee.                           average bone density.

                                                                     These four clients said they would
          Sue’s transformation is quite                              never go into old age care while
          remarkable and we have other                               they have their Wellcell.
          clients that have also transformed                         Remember 15 years @ A$301 a
          their lives’s. Like Percy (see scan                        year is cheap insurance to reach

          above) who has now been using                              their age and still be very active
          Wellcell for over 15 years. Percy is
          95 years old and still drives a car
                                                                            Watch  Their  Testimonialatch  Their  Testimonial
          and doesn’t need glasses. His bone                                W

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