Page 2 - January 2020
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meet our new members:

       Mike & Sherry Congleton               Elayne Lane
          12 Tanaquay Court              14 Caisson Crossing
       Savannah, Georgia 31411        Savannah, Georgia 31411
                                                                              exercise opportunities
        Judson & Cindy Hendry           Kurt & Ali Rodenberg                     Mondays and Wednesdays
          232 E. 48th Street           24 Village Green Circle
       Savannah, Georgia 31405        Savannah, Georgia 31411                          $40 (8 classes)
                                                                                     $37.50 (6 classes)
                                                                                       $25 (4 classes)

                              wednesday night dinners                           ONLINE:
                                   are starting back                            IN CHURCH: sign-up sheets

                                  Wednesday, January 29th                Start  the  new  year  off   on  the  right  foot!
                                     5:45pm  Bailey Hall                SIUMC off ers, to church and non-members
                                        $10 for adults                   alike,  two monthly exercise  programs  to
                                Children 16 and under eat free           encourage  a healthy  lifestyle. Classes are
                                                                         led by Elena Bennett , a professional fi tness
                                                                         instructor and personal trainer certi fi ed by
                                                                         the American College of Sports Medicine,
                                                                         with over 25 years of teaching experience.
                                                                         A resident of the Landings since 2017, she
                           what's for dinner?                                   also is a member of SIUMC.
                    Beef bolognese sauce with rigatoni,
                  Crusty garlic bread, romaine salad with                               Mat Pilates
                     Italian dressing, roasted broccoli,                    Monday and Wednesday at 9:15 am
                          and Italian orange cake.                                       Bailey Hall

             Following dinner, Stephanie Selia will share her
             musical talents with a selecti on of Italian tunes.         This  class  features  a  series  of  Pilates
                                                                         fl oor  exercises  designed  to  strengthen
                                                                         core muscles, stretch and tone the body,
                           be sure to rsvp...                            and  improve  posture.  Using  a  mat  for
        Reserve your  spot  no  later than  noon  on  the Monday         cushioning and support, moves are adapted
        before,  by  calling  the  church  offi  ce,  fi lling  out  one  of   according to the parti cipant's fi tness level
        the sign-up sheets located on the church offi  ce counter        and abiliti es.
        or outside of Bailey Hall on Sundays. You may also RSVP
        online at                                                          Sit-Fit!

                                                                           Monday and Wednesday at 10:15 am
                                                                                       Thorne Room
                  february and march dinner dates                        Gain  strength,  stability  and  fl exibility

                        In February and March,                           all  while  exercising  from  a  chair!    This
             dinners will be on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays:                class features easy-to-perform exercises

                                                                         designed for beginners/intermediates,
                   February 12th and February 26th                       as  well  as those  with  balance, joint and
                      March 11th and March 25th                          movement issues.
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