Page 3 - HPS 2016 Catalogue
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Welcome to the HPS 2016-17 Catalog

     Introduction  High-Purity Standards continues to expand its capabilities   Quality System:
                                                                  High-Purity Standards is registered with ISO 9001:2008,
            and increase its product offerings. We have increased our
                                                                  and accredited with ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and
            stocked products to include additional tuning solutions, set
            up solutions, and interference check solutions for the ICP-
            MS, calibration standards and analytical              ISO Guide 34:2009.
            mixtures for the ICP, and two new multi
            element cation standards designed for
            use on the IC. We have also added
            a 50 gram size option for our single
            element metallo-organic standards. We
            have added new standards for drinking
            and waste water analysis to include
            the expansion of our wet chemical
            standards. While HPS has produced
            many of these standards in the past, we
            have recently decided to produce these
            standards in bulk and pass along that
            price savings to our customers.

            We hope that this catalog demonstrates
            the broad scope of our capabilities.
            We invite you to visit our online store at
            our new and improved website,
  , to view
            a complete listing of all of our products.

            Custom Designed Products:
            Over half of our business is devoted
            to manufacturing custom standards.
            Our staff has extensive experience in standards for a
            wide range of industries including mining, pharmaceutical,
            environmental and industrial manufacturing. This experience
            includes preparation of custom XRF standards, metals
            in basic media and bulk standard manufacturing. Our
            industrial hygiene standards include a variety of filter media,
            and both spike dissolved or solid inorganic compounds.

            Packaging Options:
            We stock inorganic solutions in 50mL, 100mL, 250mL,
            and 500mL sizes. The 50mL size is designed for those
            laboratories who need a smaller volume of solution, thereby
            limiting waste disposal costs. In addition, we offer smaller
            volumes that meet accepted quantity limits for           Connie Rains Hayes       Theodore (T.C.) Rains
            hazardous shipping. Our organic standards are available   High-Purity Standards   High-Purity Standards
            in 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, and 10mL ampules. Both smaller and     President & CEO          Founder
            larger volumes are also available. Please let us know if you
            have these requirements.
                                                                   High-Purity Standards, Inc. was founded by Dr. Theodore (T.C.) Rains following his
                                                                      retirement from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
                                                                        High-Purity Standards is a certified Women's Business Enterprise.

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