Page 10 - Ladies newsletter April 2018v2_Float
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Poised for a new season
Yvonne Bland
Welcome to the 2018 Finance Committee season. With the year as Chair, I learned some of our newsletter report formats
Land Sale on the horizon and the new committees struck it is worked well to give you a point in time update. We will
back to business for the 2018 Finance Committee. We have continue with a table format of the key categories contained
returning Members: Winnie Kwok, Joy Bradford and Alicia in the financial statements through the active playing months.
Milner; new Members: Katherine Keeler, Mary Pat Frey and
If you had a chance to attend the AGM, you would have
Donna Wagg: Board Liaison: Catherine Chan. We are now
heard my message that our 2018 Budget may have looked a
a committee of 8, up from 7 last year. It is more important
little boring, was risk adverse in spending money before we
than ever to spread the Finance Committee work load as we
have it and did not reduce our fees overall – all though we
not only oversee the Club finances, we also have the newly
did lower the capital replenishment fee for 2018. The Finance
struck Ad Hoc committees that will require some of our time.
Committee felt that amidst this exciting opportunity and the
In particular, the Land Sale Net Proceeds Strategy Committee
stage in the land sale closing process, that this was not the
will be reporting through Finance to the Board. Last but not
time to make drastic changes. We are eagerly awaiting the
least, the Ada Mackenzie Heritage Fund management is
new season and opportunities ahead of us and working with
being rolled into our portfolio too.
Paul and Edmar to keep us on track. Stay tuned for financial
The first official Finance Committee meeting will have taken updates!
place by the time you read this. We will have reconciled
our annual dues to the budget as the categories will have
settled down. Next month’s article will report more on the
financial activity and results to date. As this is my second
Ask John!
John McLinden
This is the time of year when the most frequent question I As of April 17 we still do not have a have a
receive is; definite opening day. When the snow
the snow
e will be
and ice finally do melt off we will be
“How is the golf course doing”?
re-evaluating conditions and will be d will be
Well, it has been a very unusual spring to say the least. The
updating you soon.
temperatures are trending to be one of the coldest Aprils
Thank you and looking forward to
ard to
in history with an average temperature of only 3 degrees.
another exciting season.
Combine that with the recent ice storm that transpired
on April 14 and 15 and it has certainly been hard on the
turf. The turf is still dormant and warmer temperatures are John
required to initiate growth which has not happened yet. The
snow cover has slowed our efforts in preparing the
golf course.