Page 29 - Ladies newsletter April 2018v2_Float
P. 29
The following guidelines are recommended for players:
Lightning has been detected within 20 miles. Suspend play immediately and go to the Halfway House,
Clubhouse, Golf Shop, Maintenance, Admin building or your car. Do not use rain shelters during electrical storms
In the event that golfers cannot reach any of these locations, remove all metal items such as jewelry, golf
clubs and umbrellas and proceed to the nearest low lying areas, such as bunkers, away from trees.
Lightning strike has not been detected within the last 30 minutes.
Golfers may resume play but should exercise caution.
By following these safety recommendations the possibility of lightning casualties
will be greatly reduced.
Please note that staff will not be deployed in dangerous conditions. It is up to the individual
players to seek cover and stay sheltered until conditions are safe.
As part of its Emergency Response Plan, our Club has available a First Aid Kit,
Emergency Oxygen and Automated External Defibrillator. These items are kept together
at the Golf Shop. Club staff is trained in the use of this equipment and in CPR.
What should you do if you witness a person in need of medical attention?
✓ Call 911 immediately – the address is 7859 Yonge Street – staff will direct
Emergency per-sonnel once they arrive; and
✓ Notify Golf Shop any way you can (call 905-889-3391, wave down staff,
use phone in Half-way House or send someone there);
✓ If you can, carry out first aid;
✓ Get as much information about the person as you can and let the
Golf Shop know as much as possible as soon as possible.
The Golf Shop becomes the Emergency Head-quarters and will:
✓ Confirm or call 911;
✓ Dispatch first aid staff and equipment;
✓ Dispatch someone to await EMS and direct them to site;
✓ Follow up on other needs.
Clubhouse becomes the Emergency Headquarters when Golf Shop is closed.
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