Page 25 - Ladies newsletter April 2018v2_Float
P. 25

More to enjoy!

                                                                                 Jo-Anne Applebaum
                                                                             ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE, CHAIR

                                                                     I am pleased to be chairing the Engagement
                                                                     Committee for the 2018 golf season. Barb
                                                                     Hooper, Verna Lister and I are the newbies and
                                                                     we are fortunate to work with Cathy Striowski,
                                                                     Berta McLean and Alison Lam, all of whom
                                                                     have experience working on Engagement. The
                                                                     committee’s mandate this year will be to work on
                                                                     increasing the enjoyment and level of satisfaction
                                                                     for the Social and Full Members, Guest Card
                                                                     Holders and Unlimited Trials. Our role will be
                                                                     to create a comfortable, attractive and safe
                                                                     environment while offering different and exciting
                                                                     non-golf activities.
                                                                     We have beautiful surroundings and gorgeous
                                                                     gardens right outside our clubhouse and the plan
                                                                     this year is to be creative and offer more events
                                                                     such as Theme Dinners that our new Chef will
                                                                     create along with some fun music. So after a nice
                                                                     afternoon or early evening of golf we can all take
                                                                     advantage of our own private oasis and enjoy the
                                                                     Club atmosphere.
                                                                     The book reviews, speakers’ series, beer and
                                                                     wine tastings, progressive dinners, mahjong
                                                                     on Thursday nights and Bridge on Monday and
                                                                     Wednesday will continue along with some new
                                                                     events which will be sent through eblast. The
                                                                     annual Stratford trip to watch the “The Music
                                                                     Man” and lunch at The Bruce is scheduled for
                                                                     September 21, 2018. A list of events will be sent
                                                                     out once the dates are finalized.


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