Page 6 - Ladies newsletter April 2018v2_Float
P. 6
Planning for the future
Last year, our Members voted to sell the 2.6 acre land parcel at Bayview
and Royal Orchard (hole #9). We’re about two years away from sale closing,
and there’s a great deal of planning to do. Tridel is handling the municipal
planning approvals process, and the Land Project Steering Committee
Phase 3 (LPSC3) will provide oversight. LPSC3 Members are Joan Anderton
(Chair), Nadine Segal, Virginia West and Paul Bussiere, General Manager,
who sits on all committees. Additional ad hoc committees have been set
up to lead various aspects of the planning efforts, with each committee
focused on protecting the Club’s best interests as well as preserving its
legacy and providing security for its future.
The Land Sale Course Planning Committee will focus on design and
location of a replacement hole and the Halfway House. Committee
Members are: Kathy Hill (Chair), Margaret Anderson, Jean Davy, Jan Flott
and Deb Trepanier, supported by Paddy Kelly (Head Pro), John McLinden
(Course Superintendent) and Lisa Lamb (Clubhouse Manager).
The Land Sale Net Proceeds Strategy Committee will focus on how best to
use the net proceeds to ensure long-term financial sustainability. Committee
Members are Terri McKinnon (Chair), Sharon Anderson, Catherine Chan,
Lois Cormack, Beth Medhurst and Deborah Pankhurst.
The Course Planning and Net Proceeds Committees are just beginning their
work, and their mandates are expected to extend into 2019.
The Strategic Planning Committee (while not directly related to the
land sale), is in the research and data gathering stage, with the goal of
completing a strategic plan later this year. Committee Members are Betty
Chee (Chair), Marcie Anderson, Joan Anderton, Ann Davis, Beth Medhurst
and Alanna Quinn.
The Terms of Reference for all committees and the committee membership
are available on the Members’ website.
We want to hear from you! Member input is key to our planning, so we’d
love you to contribute. If you have an idea to share, please send it to and indicate the committee to which it should
be directed.
It is my privilege to be your President for 2018. On behalf of the Board, I
wish you a wonderful golf year and look forward to seeing you.