Page 6 - JUNE - Ladies BGG FINAL Web V1_Neat
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Don’t forget to smile!

                                                        Paul Bussiere
                                                  GENERAL MANAGER’S MESSAGE

        I started to smile as I walked around the property recently   In July (3, 4, and 5), Ladies’ is hosting the PGA of Canada
        when the thought came to my head that everything is finally   Women’s Championship. This is a two-day event on
        coming together. The bees have arrived, the vegetable    Wednesday and Thursday with a Pro-Am on the Tuesday.
        gardens are almost complete, the sun was shining, and    The field is usually only about 60 players leaving lots of
        so on, and so on. I celebrated my one-year anniversary   time after the competitors go out for the Members to try
        at Ladies’ on May 15 and it still feels like I just got here. It   their luck with Championship conditions. There will be
        has been a busy 12 months when I stop and think about    an opportunity to purchase spots in the Pro-Am and play
        everything that has transpired over that time. We have had a   with one of the competitors on the Tuesday, but spots are
        lot of change and change is not always easy. It’s comfortable   limited. We’ll be sending out details soon. There will also be
        to keep things they way they are, it’s familiar and usually less   an opportunity to host a few of the players in your homes.
        stressful. But as Prince Philip of England said, “Change does   Some of the ladies are going to be coming in from out of
        not change tradition. It strengthens it. Change is a challenge   town and are hoping to find a Member willing to open their
        and an opportunity, not a threat.” There are thousands of   homes for them. Remember that most of these participants
        quotes on change and all come down to the same root. To   are either club professionals from across the country or tour
        grow there has to be change. That’s what we are doing at   players trying to make their mark. If you are interested in
        Ladies’, creating change to help the club grow and secure   either the Pro-Am or hosting a player, please let me know as
        our future.                                              soon as you can.

        My goal this year was to create a positive Member/Guest   I hope everyone is smiling like me when they are on the
        experience. As I mentioned last month, I challenged the staff   property. Fun is the key word for this year. Please come to
        to think of different ways this could be accomplished. The   Ladies’, forget your troubles at home and enjoy yourself.
        Board challenged the committees to come up with three    Allow us to take care of everything else and don’t forget to
        ways to improve the Member experience with no constraints   smile!
        given to their ideas. So far this year, I think we have
        accomplished our goal. The amount of positive feedback I

        have received is overwhelming. I want to give credit to all my
        staff for that. They are the ones creating the experiences for
        the Members and Guests. From our wonderful new menu      Paul
        items, to a quick game of table tennis before teeing off.
        There are a lot more smiles around the club these days.

        I finally had the chance to play the course this year with
        a couple of Members and a guest. John and his team
        have done a wonderful job of preparing the course and
        creating an outstanding golf experience. I hope everyone is
        encouraging their friends and colleagues to come out and
        play the course to either experience it as a potential Member
        or to enjoy it as a guest. The weather has been fantastic for
        golf so far this year and we hope it continues.

        6  |  BEAUTY, GRIT & GRACE
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