Page 12 - Preat Product Book ( Instructions)
P. 12

What’sNewwithHADERBars...                                                                            WHY HADER BARS ARE THE BEST OPTION

                                                                                                                                                           FOR BAR OVERDENTURES

                                BarPatterns                       Kits

                                Available in Standard and
                                Short heights                     TheComboKit
                                Plastic-wax is ideal for fast     everything needed for one bar case
                                 set investment                   Includes:

                                                                  1 Plastic Bar Pattern
                                AluminumAnalogBar                  2 Female Riders
                                DelrinAnalogBar                    2 Metal Housings (either style)

                                Two different analog bars for relines, repairs, and   2 Processing Spacers
                                making new prostheses
                                HaderBarMandrel                   HaderBarServicingKit
                                to assure parallelism between     Ideal for relines, rebases, repairs, or fabricating a new
                                multiple bar segments             overdenture on existing bars or CAD-CAM bars                                                         Indications:

                                                                  Includes:                                                                                            • In the maxillae, the bone quality and quantity often dictates the use of a bar to protect the
                                                                  1 Delrin Analog Bar                                                                                   implants in weaker bone via splinting.
                                ProcessingSpacer                  2 Female Riders

                                The processing spacer will                                                                                                             • In the resorbed mandible, the atrophied ridge can not be engaged by the denture flange and
                                                                  2 Metal Housings (either style)                                                                       therefore does not provide prosthesis stability.
                                prevent the over extention of
                                                                  2 Processing Spacers                                                                                 • Extremely divergent implants are easier to accommodate with a bar overdenture.
                                acrylic which inhibits flexation
                                of the female rider
                                                                  NewAlignmentHousings TraditionalHousings                         Advantages of the Hader Bar:

                                                                                                                                   • Flexibility in Prostheses Function:
                                                                                                                                    o Metal Ackermann clips provide both vertical
                                                                                                                                      and rotational movement, ideal for 2 abutments bar
         Processing model with green                                                                                                  with a single straight section and for protecting abutments.
         processing spacers & thin                                                                                                  o Plastic Hader clips provide rotational movement.
         metal housings                                           Easy and accurate alignment of riders and housings with space saving options.
                                       Incorrect - Female clip                                                                        Ideal for restorations utilizing multiple bar sections
                                                                                                                                      and/or for rigid/fully abutment supported prostheses.
                                       cannot flex over the bar
                                                                                                                                   • Space Saving:
                                      FemaleRiders                MetalClipsavailableingoldandstainlesssteel                        o Total vertical height of bar, 2.5mm.
                                                                                                                                      Total vertical of attachments, 1.5mm.
                                       4 retentions of  female riders  Ackermann gold and stainless and C118 gold and stainless       Total width of attachment, 4.2mm.
                                       • Yellow-standard
                                       • White-decreased                                                                           • Easy to Service:
                                                                                                                                      4 r
                                                                                                                                                   plastic clips to pr
                                                                                                                                          entions of
                                                                                                                                                                vide pa

                                                                                                                                                                              c r
                                                                                                                                                                     tient specifi
                                       • Red-increased                                                                               o 4 retentions of plastic clips to provide patient specific retention
                                                                                                                                          • Replacing a Hader clip can be done in less than 30 seconds
                                       • Blue-for worn bars
                                                                                                                                    o 2 designs and 2 alloys of metal Ackermann clips
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Images courtesy of PREAT Corporation Technical Team                                                                        1-800-232-7732                                                                                         1-800-232-7732

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