Page 72 - Preat Product Book ( Instructions)
P. 72


                                        NUMBER            PRODUCT NAME                                      PRICE

                                                      Clix Complete Female                                  45.00
     Clix          0101240                            TI housing and yellow female

                                      0101232W-6      Clix White Females- Reduced (6-Pack)                  36.00
                                                      white = 1.7lbs retention

                                      0101232W-50     Clix White Females- Reduced (50-Pack)                 200.00
    72             0101232W            0101231-6      Clix Yellow Females- Standard (6-Pack)                36.00

                                                      yellow = 2.5 lbs retention

                                       0101231-50     Clix Yellow Females- Standard (50-Pack)               200.00

                    011222             0101233-6      Clix Red Females - Increased (6-Pack)                 36.00
                                                      red = 3.3 lbs retention

                                       0101233-50     Clix Red Females- Increased (50-Pack)                 200.00

                                                      Clix Combi Females                                    36.00
                   0101233                            2 white, 2 yellow, 2 red Clix Females

                                     Sagix Attachment: Sagital 1.7 and 2.2mm Ball attachment with female that engages the full sphere
                   0112340           for maximum retention. Unique female engages entire sphere for more retention and less attachment wear
                                     Compatible with Bredent VKS-SG 1.7 and 2.2mm balls 1.7mm: 3.1mm vertical, 3.1mm Ø 2.2mm: 4.1mm
                                     vertical, 4.2mm Ø

                                        0101301       Sagix Starter Kit Plastic Male (4-Pack)               190.00
                                                      2 1.7mm plastic males, 8 1.7 females ( 2 white, 2 yellow, 2 red,
                     Sagix                            2 pink processing), Paralleling Mandrel
                                                      2 2.2mm plastic males, 8 2.2 females ( 2 white, 2 yellow, 2 red,
                                                      2 pink processing), Sagix Insertion Tool
                                                      1.7mm: 3.1mm vertical, 3.1mm Ø    2.2mm: 4.1mm vertical,
                                                      4.2mm Ø
                                        0101303       Sagix Starter Kit Cast-to Metal Male (4-Pack)         285.00
                                                      2 1.7mm metal males, 8 1.7 females ( 2 white, 2 yellow, 2 red,
                                                      2 pink processing), Paralleling Mandrel
                                                      2 2.2mm metal males, 8 2.2 females ( 2 white, 2 yellow, 2 red,
                                                      2 pink processing), Sagix Insertion Tool
                   0101303                            1.7mm: 3.1mm vertical, 3.1mm Ø 2.2mm: 4.1mm vertical,
                                                      4.2mm Ø

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